Medical, psychological, or drug-related factors can all contribute to erectile dysfunction. There are treatments available to assist restore normal erectile function.
Physical Factors
Erectile dysfunction is not a sickness in and of itself, but it may be an indication of another health issue. It might be a symptom of a cardiac disease or diabetes. Even if you are ashamed, it is critical that you inform your doctor about your ED.
Erectile dysfunction is sometimes a side effect of medicine, and your doctor will adjust your medication. It is also critical to inform your doctor about any emotional stress you are experiencing, as this might exacerbate ED.
Your doctor will inquire about your sexual history as well as any changes in your sexual desire, erection strength, or climax. These inquiries may appear personal or humiliating, but your doctor needs to know the complete picture in order to diagnose and treat you. Physical therapies for erectile dysfunction include drugs that relax muscles and enhance blood flow to the penis, as well as surgery to re-insert nerves and blood arteries.
Psychological Factors
Anxiety, stress, melancholy, or low self-esteem can all cause psychogenic erectile dysfunction. Relationship issues, familial difficulties, and cultural or religious views can all contribute to it. It can also be a side effect of some medications, such as blood pressure medication, antidepressants, alcohol, and a variety of recreational substances.
Men suffering with psychological impotence may experience a debilitating anxiety of not doing properly in the bedroom. They may believe they will be unable to please their sexual partner, or they may feel terrible about previous encounters. Other signs include a lack of desire, a loss of enjoyment in other aspects of life, poor communication, and a dependence on pornography (in which pictures and videos supercharge the male erection but may not always convert into real-world arousal). Super P Force is used to treat male erectile dysfunction.
A mental health expert can assist in determining whether a psychological reason is at work. In these circumstances, the therapist may suggest couple’s therapy, relaxation techniques, and methods to increase communication regarding intimacy and sex.
Many drugs have the potential to induce sexual dysfunction. The most popular include beta-blockers (used to treat high blood pressure) and antidepressants, such as Prozac and Paxil, as well as tricyclic antidepressants like Pamelor or Anafranil and monoamine oxidase inhibitors like Wellbutrin (bupropion). These medications can have an effect on hormones and chemical signals that are involved in erections.
H2 receptor blockers, such as cimetidine (Tagamet), can also suppress testosterone and cause a drop in sexual desire. Androgen blockers, which are used to treat prostate cancer, can impair libido as well.
To establish the etiology of ED, a doctor will generally examine the patient, do a physical exam, and request blood testing. If the underlying cause is not psychological, the patient may be sent for therapy to a urologist. Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) and vardenafil (Levitra) are two medications that increase sexual function. These drugs improve blood flow to the penis but do not act without sexual stimulation. Nitrates, such as nitroglycerine, might produce low blood pressure when used with these medications, thus men with ED should avoid them.
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Changes in Lifestyle
Men suffering from erectile dysfunction can improve their symptoms by adopting a healthier lifestyle. These modifications can also benefit a man’s general health.
Regular exercise helps enhance blood flow and increase the body’s synthesis of nitric oxide, both of which are necessary for keeping an erection. Strength exercises like Kegels and low-impact aerobics can also aid.
Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol use also helps with ED, as does decreasing weight. By limiting or halting the blood flow to the penis, these treatments lower the risk of heart disease, which can lead to erectile dysfunction.
A nutritious diet can help you decrease your cholesterol, control your blood sugar, and manage your high blood pressure. Many drugs used to treat these disorders can impair sexual performance, however changing your diet can help to decrease or eliminate these negative effects.