Home Health Care Service: 5 Signs of your loved one could be at risk of Falling

The potential for serious injury from falls increases with age, but you don’t have to accept it as inevitable just because you’re getting older. Although the likelihood of falling increases with age, we can solve it by Home Health Care Services; this risk can be mitigated by taking steps to address the underlying causes. The bigger the number of individual risk factors, the higher the probability of a fall injury.

What Are 5 Risk Factors for Falling?

Variables that raise the potential for injury in the event of a future fall are known as “fall risk factors.” This blog focuses on falls caused by individual risk factors; however, there are certainly many elements within your own house that could lead to a fall.

Seniors and their careers should regularly evaluate their fall risk factors since these can foreshadow danger that could have been prevented with forethought and action. For instance, if your loved one has diabetes, foot feeling may be impaired, increasing the risk of falls. Similarly, if they’ve had a stroke in the past, they may have impaired balance, increasing the risk of falling. If they suffer a severe injury, such as a hip fracture that takes months to heal, they may be unable to live independently again for a long time because of these falls and the pain and disability they cause. You can solve this problem with PamCare Home Health Care Service of Texas.

Weak leg muscles

Leg muscles are important for strength and balance, and they weaken with age. PamCare Best Home Health Care Service has educated staff to solve all these problems. They also deteriorate with inactivity and underlying health issues like arthritis. The inability to easily step up onto a curb is an indication of weak leg muscles.

Poor balance

Muscle weakness is a common cause of imbalance, but other factors, such as a history of stroke, Parkinson’s disease, vertigo, or the adverse effects of certain medications, can also play a role. The use of a cane, relator, walker, or wheelchair can help your loved one go around more safely and securely if they are unstable on their feet.

Specific medications

Dizziness, unsteadiness, blurred vision, and clouded thinking are all undesirable side effects of several medications. Your loved one’s risk of falling increases if they take more than four drugs at once. The most common adverse drug reactions that may result in falls are caused by anticonvulsants, blood pressure drugs, sleeping pills, and psychotropics.

Foot problems

Poorly fitting shoes, foot conditions (such as corns, calluses, bunions, and so on), and other issues all contribute to an increased risk of falling. In addition to making it harder to maintain an active lifestyle, issues with the feet can make it difficult to strengthen muscles and improve balance. PamCare Home Health Care Service has solutions to all these issues. Diabetics often experience foot numbness, which increases their already high risk of falling.

Memory loss or cognitive difficulties

Fall risk increases as people age because of cognitive impairments that make it harder for them to assess danger or spot everyday risks. Addressing potential fall hazards and making any necessary adjustments might make it easier for your loved one with cognitive impairment to get around the house. Our Home Health Care Services you all these services in their own homes.

What Can I Do to Prevent Falls?

Knowing the various causes of falls is crucial, but so knows how to avoid them. You probably already know how vital it is to stay physically active as you age or to encourage an elderly loved one to do so. Talk to their Home Health Care Services and pharmacists to assess their fall risk and to see if any of their medications need to be changed if they are at an abnormally high risk of falling. Many eye illnesses, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, have no symptoms in their early stages, making yearly eye exams an important preventative measure. Eyewear, such as glasses, should be replaced often to ensure proper function.

Contact At Home Healthcare for Caregiving Help

Do you want more information about Home Health Care Services in Texas? Help your senior loved ones learn to adjust to their fall risks and cope with any weaknesses by hiring At Home Healthcare, a home care provider with compassionate, empathic in-home aides.

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